About Us

 Fitassam.xyz is a complete “health and lifestyle website” that you can truly call your own. This website aim is to provide the best communication through advice  for issues ranging from serious health conditions to lifestyle. Fitassam.xyz is dedicated to all men-women and childrens  improving health knowledge of various stages of its life. Fitassam.xyz is devoted to physical and emotional health for all and wellbeing in all its dimensions.  We are dedicated  to prevent illness and improve women's knowledge and understanding of important health issues from adolescence to middle age and beyond.



Fitassam is an initiative by Mitali saikia planted at December 2019 with a mission to provide the most accurate and relevant information on Health and wellness. We are trying to maintain content information with the highest level of accuracy and relevancy as well as adopting an evidence-based approach.


Mrs. Mitali Saikia is the founder, Author on Fitassam. Around 85% of content lives in this website is written and created by Mitali Saikia.

Mitali Saikia has been working as a freelance writer on health, parenting, self improvement etc. On Dec, 2019, he has founded the Fitassam website to help other practitioners of alternative medicine, authors and people by sharing his knowledge, expertise and clinical experience.

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1. Dr.Nayanjyoti Hazarika - Doctor of Medicine and Surgery(Homeopathy), 

PGDYN (Kkhsou).

2. Dr. Brinchi Baruah– Doctor of medicine (Ayurveda) MD (Ayur), Ayurvedic medicine practitioner.

3. Moonmi Bhattacharya – Reiki therapist/ counselling, Awarded writer. ("ৰহস্যময় তমসাৰ শেষত" উপন্যাসৰ বাবে অসম সাহিত্য সভাৰ ২০২০ বৰ্ষৰ গিৰিধৰ শৰ্মা বঁটাপ্ৰাপ্ত-Giridhar sharma award winner,20).

4. Dibya Pawan Bora –Acupressure Therapist, Social Worker.

5. Bimal Borah - Health Consultant and founder of 'myassam'.


You can find our contact information on Contact Us Page.


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